- My name is Rhyland Qually.
- I was a former youthful chubby kid.
- Developed an obsession in improving myself through fitness and nutrition.
- First, I started training for the aesthetics, and then found boxing and it became about my abilities and discipline.
- One day I realized while training my friend in boxing, if I could be paid for this, I'd certainly live a fulfilling life. I turned my mindset on being the best trainer, and learned all I could about nutrition.
- This led me to my journey of being a student of the study of physical fitness, nutrition, and psychology that helps anyone live their the best quality of life.
- I strive to discover as much as I can and so I can help as many people as I can while I’m on this earth.
My Mission
I want to help individuals who are frustrated with their lack of success and confused what direction to go, to understand a better path customized for them, so they can feel strong, enjoy their food, find their confidence, and live the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of.
My Values
The relationships and education is what makes all the difference. Creating a bond with the people I work with, and to feel what they feel, so I can help them go through the battles they have. I want them to know someone is on their side. I want them to learn how they can one day learn all the tools they need to succeed.
Experience and Credentials
Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology
Degree in Nutrition and Human Metabolism
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)
Personal Training for 15 Years
Boxing Coach for 15 Years
Trained Professional Hockey players 5 years
Training Experience
Former Hockey Player (Goalie)
Competitive Amateur Boxer 5 Years
Competitive Body Building (2 Contests, and more in future)
1 Full Marathon
2 Half Marathons
Recreational Power-lifting