Complete Picture Coaching

With all my clients, I need to know all both realms to have to best result. With each individual, it’s important to have Nutrition, Exercise, and Mindset all aligned towards the same goal. Each of these disciplines cannot stand alone to get success. When an individual improves them all simultaneously, creates the highest probability of success for achieving their goals and longevity of the lifestyle they desire.


With the RQTN System you will receive:

Personalize Training programs

  • Will appear on an app with daily activities

  • Track your progress and exercise history

  • Video explanations on technique and form

  • Send videos between client and coach for virtual technique improvement

  • Changes can be adapted to fit your schedule within 24 hours

Nutrition Counselling

  • Monthly body composition assessment - person or virtual to determine estimate body fat % vs. lean mass

  • Meetings every 2 weeks to work on education and practice strategies

  • Weekly check ins to ensure accountability and support

Education for Longevity

  • Nutritional videos - going over the details of all macro and micro nutrients - eating styles - popular controversies in food science- but making information applicable to you

  • Exercise Videos - Understanding why specific exercises are more important or helpful than others, good form and technique and other critical keys that make you look and exercise differently

  • Mindset Videos - The main focus behind mastery is the the apply to apply and practice. Information is useless without this. Given you mindset tools to take your mental game higher and continue to grow your overall character through this process.



5 Major Reasons Why Online Training Represents Accessibility to Your Trainer

Training online/virtual can have a negative connotation to it given it sounds less personal. Maybe it’s because the word “personal” isn’t used, and online sounds less “real” life. However, it is important to consider another perspective. Maybe consider, this the most personal way you can have your trainer.

How Often Have You Felt Lost Before Exercising? What If It Was All Delivered To Your Phone?

With the online training programming, a simple delivery system given to you on your phone or on your PC. This video shows you how easy the access is to getting your workouts day to day, and how great the continued communication is. This helps keep the accountability going, seeing the success in the routines, plus support if you need any changes done to adapt your schedule.

Rhyland has helped me stay motivated by providing a lot of variation in my routines. I injured my leg this summer after an awkward fall, I thought that it was going to be a huge setback. Rhyland changed my routines on the fly to accommodate what I could and couldn’t do, thanks to him I’m still on track to not miss any exercise days this year.
— James M

6 Steps Of Quality Programming and The ACS System difference

There are thousands of strength programs all over the internet, but there is a real major difference when a program can be custom made for an individuals goals and needs. There are also critical points that get missed and major mistakes made in so many workout programs. This video goes over how we can avoid these problems, and how a personal touch makes all the difference.


Additional In Person Semi-Private Training Options Now Available!

For those who want an intimate experience and get a great workout atmosphere, there is Semi-Private training available. Small groups of 2-4 individuals, can get together, all working on their own specific programs customized to them, and then still feel the experience of a fun social and welcoming atmosphere. The gym can be a scary place when you don’t know anyone, but it can be an amazingly motivating place when you can share a great workout with others.

I love that I can out at home or at the park without having to go to the gym. It fits my lifestyle and schedule. Without the flexibility, I couldn’t and wouldn’t commit because I lead a busy life and put myself last generally, but no more.
— Syliva R


Why Don’t Diets Work?

The term “diet” implies a drastic change in a way of eating, when in true definitions, it is only to represent any animals routine of eating. We all have diets, however, some of our routine leads us astray to over consume or not give us enough nutritious food to thrive.

However, no one wouldn’t recommend you to adopt someone else’s work habits, social habits, or even advance exercise routines. If you did any change you’d need to progress it to fit your life, right?

What if we progressed our diets, rather than a drastic adoption to someone other perception of what good food is? What about progressing your own structure?

Accountability, Communication, and Support

Reaching out to have a counselling session anytime something isn’t going right is a key component of what makes the difference. It is a personal development with your physical changes, and having someone to keep you on point or to help you solve your issues, can make all the different in the world.

The biggest thing for me is the phone talks. It helps me to get back on track when I lose focus. It’s definitely an asset that you can’t get on online workout apps.
— Kishon W.