Client Stories
These are the program heroes.
These incredible people showed great determination and discipline to drastically improve their lives for the better. You’ll likely see yourself in some of them.
This woman is a warrior. Kelsey was working too hard.
When we first met, Kelsey was working on a program that had her doing 5 days a week of strength training, 1 High-intensity cardio day, and daily cardio. Not only that but her strength training workouts had volume only suitable to someone building. (Maybe even building with performance-enhancing drugs). But she would show up for her old coach because she wanted it so badly.
One of the major statements she said that resonated with me was “I feel like I’m working way harder than so many other people but not getting the results.”
She was. So when we started together we cut her volume in half. She then focused on recovery and paid attention to great nutrition and food habits. Yet making everything realistic and sustainable for her.
Kelsey stayed remarkably consistent with every single protocol.
We initially had her weigh in at 145lbs with 23% body fat, but got her down to 134 at 16% body fat.
She didn’t just lose body fat and gain muscle. She also gained strength.
As you can see below she could hardly do a pull-up. But after years of hard work she demonstrated on this post she made she was able to get 10 clean bodyweight pull-ups!
Joe is a busy business owner, and despite having a long history of training, even doing several of his own bodybuilding competitions, he found himself putting his nutrition to the side.
He loved to work out HARD very frequently, but would end up overtraining, and noticed he would get cold very often.
So he changed his mindset to find great consistency and structure in his diet, but with foods he absolutely loves! Along with that, he discovered he could workout less and get amazing changes to his physique.
Joe lost over 20lbs, and at 52 years old said “I haven’t been this lean since I was doing fitness competitions”
Joe’s Testimonial
Brennan came from a great deal of emotional eating. His favourite routine was going to the store to load up on candy that he could consume all night. He had no exercise routine or motivation.
After a break up with an ex girlfriend, he felt inspire to find a change in his way of life.
He started working out 3-4 days a week, improve his eating habits and structure very consistently.
His hard work paid off as he lost a over 35lbs, but what is more important, he did not have to give up his favoutire foods. He improved his relationship with candy and finally discovered how to improve his emotional eating habits around these foods.
The biggest impact he reflected on was that he didn’t realize how much his old lifestyle was affecting his mind. “I’ve been depressed for quite a few years…now I feel like the fog is lifting”
JIM - Athletic Preparation - Too much work and unnecessary dieting strategies
Young boxing athlete
Weighs 190 lbs and is getting ready for his first match at a much lower weight class
Wanted to lose weight
Wanted to get stronger and faster
Utilizes very poor strategies
Working too hard and using the wrong tools which limited his performance
Doing two workouts a day and not getting enough sleep to recover
Intermittent fasting which was not serving his goal
Made sure he gets enough rest and sleep
Increase protein intake and include more supplements for faster recovery
Balanced workout routine
Dropped his weight from 190 to 158 lbs in less than 3 months
Made it to his first boxing match
He felt lighter, faster, and more explosive
Resulted in better performance
DUSTIN - Slow steady consistent progress
Dad of 2
Real estate agent
Wanted to get in the shape of his life by the time he's 40
Didn't have training routines
Didn't have any nutrition knowledge
SSG strength x1-3/week
Showed routines he can do At the gym or At home
Simple diet habits after each meeting
Getting over mindset challenges around food and workouts
Lost over 15lbs of body fat slowly without crazy dieting or training
LISA - Letting go of pregnancy weight with awesome success!
Fitness lover
Loved training and sports
Trying to get off baby weight
Thought she was doing her workouts right
Was eating healthy but wasn't seeing a difference
Felt stuck
SSG strength protocol
Weekly diet habits
Discovered she was eating TOO LITTLE
Included routine walks
Higher protein
Training that fits her lifestyle routine
Weight went down from 152 lbs to 129 lbs Over 20lbs lost!
Waist went down from 35 inches to 30 inches
Body fat percentage went from 32% to 22%
RANDY - New way of living and new heart health!
Late 30s (almost 40)
Family man
Wanted to lose body fat
Has genetic heart condition that limited any activity for years
Limited time
Has lost and gained weight back in the past
Simple workouts 3-4 days a week (less than 60 minutes)
Added more protein
Showed easy to do meals that match his lifestyle
Taught him a lifestyle mindset
Eating habits changed for the better
Weight went down to 211 lbs, lost 21 lbs!
Lowered resting heart rate he’s ever seen
Refusing to let old habits creep back in
Tesia - Story About Long-Term Fitness Results to KEEP
During Covid lockdown – couldn’t work and kept her away from her normal exercise routine
Without normal routine she feared she would go back to old lifestyle habits
Ate healthy but wanted get to her best health and still enjoy her life
She had issues with GERD – (heart burn)
Had overuse injuries related to sport and trade as tattoo artist
Limited accessibility to weights during the covid lockdown
A Long-Term Mindset
We found a workout routine with simple enjoyable exercises
Strength 3-4 x/week
Conditioning/Boxing 1-2x/week
Found an eating pattern that fit her life and schedule
She kept a focus on only doing what she wanted to and not living an unrealistic means to lose weight
“If I won’t sustain it I won’t implement it if I don’t need to.”
Incredible Steady Progress
Working together over a year and she would always make subtle progressions
Her new eating routine worked perfect to for her life – consistent nutritious food daily, and indulgence on the weekends – routinely ordering in
Her lean mass improved, weight came down from 138 to 131, and her body fat came down steady from 25% to 18%, her lean mass increase from 96lbs to 98lbs
We recently lowered her volume to 3-4 days a week for maintenance
James - Improving Body Composition with the Right Foods
James was my very first client in the RQTN system
He had done many programs throughout the years to try to get strong
Worked though many different programs with marginal success
Had weight issues when he was younger
Now has a hard time gaining the size he wants
Didn’t know the value of proper food, timing and type
Didn’t know the effectiveness of slow proper progression in a strength program with proper mobility routines
Got his body balanced with a solid base of strength so we could routinely track strength progress
Added more foods into his diet so we could get the lower quality foods out
Created a value for the nutritional quality of food for his goals
His body fat went from 19% down to 12%
He understood his diet so well it became his instinct to eat highest quality foods he could
Strength started to the point where he ran out of weights to increase the load on his bar at home
Alec - Boxing Athlete Making Progress Through-Out Lockdown
Provincial Amateur Boxing Champ
Loves to Train 110% all the time
Wants to be a high-level competitor
Didn’t really understand the nutrition for an athlete
Over trained in the wrong realms – a lot of running – not a lot of strength and power development or injury prevention
Covid shutdown gyms -
Focus on complete body balance – Boxing has over compensation patterns that need to balanced
Teaching about how even the intensities in the boxing and conditioning changes your ability to perform the sport
Teaching good habits around prioritizing the right food yet still enjoying his treats
Within the 2-3 months during the lock down we continue to see strength numbers increase
He felt his skills grew to be more explosive and sharper than ever
He physically appeared to have more muscle but actually weighed the same because we reshaped his physique
We even focused on creating strategies for him to work on Defensive tactics with Virtual Sparring drills
Alec felt stronger and more explosive than ever despite no gyms. And he was able to see just how effective at home training can be
Alec not only got thicker but we improved his posture which is so vital for everyone and especially sport athletes.
Chase - Hard Gainer - Wanting to Get Strong and Big
Younger Athlete
Always been lean but loved lifting
Wanted to get Strong
Wanted to get Big
Did not have any appetite, would forget to eat
Random training routines, Wouldn’t know how to progress
Would lose motivation, be on and off gym routine
Bad shoulder issues that would come a go
Progressions in Pieces
Focus on little improvements in nutrition and added more food progressively
Made sure the body was healthy first a foremost, focused shoulder issues
Progressively added more and more weight loads and more volume
Time = Gains
His shoulder pain nearly disappeared
His body weight went from 134 – 147lbs – Total of 10lbs Lean mass gained! That is 7% increase of bodyweight in just Lean Mass!
He would prioritize food routinely, and started eating 2-3 x the food he was before he worked with me (Good quality food)
Running out of weight to add to his bar for his workouts!
He didn’t miss a lifting workout for over 2 months, and stayed focused on getting the work done
Not only does he look much thicker but we were able to continue to improve posture and back strength to balance out his ody even more for shoulder health.
Nicky - Changing Emotional Relationships to Food
Is a single mother of 2 children (Divorced)
Has been trying to lose weight for many years
Tried many programs, and diet programs, even Keto Diet
Remote Client - we did everything virtual
She has tried new programs and would regain weight
Lose Motivation
Feel like lost time to get things done
Binge eating and Crash dieting
Zero Point
We found a workout routine with simple enjoyable exercises
3-5 x/week
No restrictions to begin the food plan – But rather putting more high quality foods in
Created an scale of food quality and how it helps her move towards or away from her goals
Focusing on improving relationship with Exercise and Food AND herself
Process Became The Normal
Within 3 months, she’s now increased her workout routine and finding it enjoyable – with more work from her job
Her relationship with food drastically changed, and moving away from “guilt” around eating certain foods, and hasn’t “Binged” in over a month
Noticed her weight was the same but her waist measurement was down and her bicep size grew – indicating lean mass (muscle) gained
She was able to fit in clothes she hadn’t fit in since she was a teenager
Finding confidence in her ability to control her health and feeling over happier with life
Robyn - Overtraining to Educated
Robyn has been worked with me for 7 months
She is a wonderful client to work with and always excited to learn more about training programs, fitness and nutrition
She was working out 6 sometimes 7 days a week and feeling over trained
She is on a plant based diet and doesn't get enough protein
Workout less and recover more
Increase protein intake and include more supplements to ensure recovery on a plant based diet
The focus was to rebuild her ability to perform well at each and every exercise event, and to recognize when there is a risk of over training
She increased her lean mass by 11 lbs over the course of 5 months while bringing her body fat average down
She also improved recovery and her ability to recognize when is a good time to push and a good time to rest!
She now feels empowered to write her own training protocols to feel healthy, active, and strong!