If you’re reading this, it may be because you’re curious as to why you’re not able to succeed at getting into a consistent workout routine.

So, let’s play out that scenario;

-          You’ve decided at some point last week that you’re GOING to make this a good workout week, despite the last week being less than successful.

-          Monday rolls around and it’s busy at work. You’re exhausted by the time you clock out for the day and because there are too many things going on in your life. You assure yourself tomorrow is the day.

-          Then it’s Friday and nothing has happened, so you make the promise again…Monday we start fresh.

-          Rinse and repeat.

There are Four Fundamental mistakes you’ve made there:

1)      Object at rest stays at rest vs. Any movement is productive

One set of something done until it burns means you’ve challenged yourself. Stand up right now from your desk, go sit against the wall and do it till you can’t. BOOM. Something happened…. What’s that. You’re still sitting? Okay fine, then nothing happened, but it’s not the fact that you don’t have time in your day. It’s your choice to sit. The more you sit, the more you will want to sit. So, get off your ass! Find a reason to do something!


2)      There are guidelines to what a workout is, NOT Rules you have to follow perfectly

Don’t strive for perfection in your routine. Desire a challenge and movement of any sort. You can do it anywhere and anytime and spread it out throughout your day! Why not do a 5-10 minute circuit with 2-3 exercises first thing in the morning, and another at lunch? Maybe one while watching TV before bed?

How much time do you spend scrolling social media or the internet? The average person is 2 hours a day. Add that up over a year, that’s Sixteen 40-hour work weeks. Are you telling me you definitely don’t have 10 minutes? (Also, I appreciate that you’re reading this blog while I’m challenging your time management)


3)      Strength is a simple stress signal to your muscle – Adaptation

Here’s the thing. Exercise and Workouts are a modern design. Our bodies were made to handle physical stress so we could become more adaptable.

So, the burning feeling, the shaky legs, and the feeling of “I want to stop” is the signal to your body for adaptation. If your signaling to the body to sit down, not only is your body growing softer but your mind is too.

4)      Idea that you are accepting nothing is okay for you because you’re busy

Every time you skip, you make it easier to skip. Every time you get in a workout you didn’t want to do, you build character AND strength. Go back to the end of that long day, when you’re tired, but you still do 50 push-ups… Okay, you do 2 sets of wall sits for 30 seconds…Whatever you do, you made a point of going against your mental fatigue and resisting the workout itself. Guess what…that also gets easier.


So this is the question to pose to yourself when this happens again (not if, but when):

What is something I could do in 5-10 minutes that would push me even just a bit?

More importantly, what character am I creating if I say I can’t even do 5 minutes?

Take some action today.

Go do some push-ups.

Rhyland Qually