Gun Powder of Pain In Your Life

We’ve all seen amazing stories about people transforming their lives and it’s interesting that they can happen at so many different times when the person has decided to start their new journey. Consider your own life. Have you had your own revolution one day? Do you really think it was made that day? Or maybe it was an accumulation?

Our life will bring us subtle issues randomly throughout, it’s rarely paid attention to until we feel it truly affects us. Weight gain is a very subtle problem at first. Starts for people at many different ages, but it’s really one bite at a time. This behavior adds up continuously, until the person realizes “Wow, I’m in rough shape.” However, even then, that may not be enough to really cause a big change, because we are masters at ignoring pain.

Isn’t it painful for someone overweight to compare themselves to others? Isn’t it painful for someone out of shape to climb stairs? Of course it is, but our minds can adapt to these subtle pain points. It’s not much different than someone saying “I’ve always had a bad knee” and just avoiding activity without properly rehabbing or testing it.

These pain points can add up. Everyone is different for how this affects them because their environment and influence is different. But one day, after feeling this pain, day after day, “BOOM.” Like a spark to a bowl of gun powder, the mind has had enough. Change must happen.

One hopes the realization comes sooner than later, but you get lucky if it’s before a serious health issue. Sometimes that health issue is Type II diabetes or a heart attack. Then you can imagine that BOOM certainly impacts people more deeply. The problem there is that moment can be incurable or even fatal.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been guilty of letting the gun powder collect. I ignore an injury until I cannot train for a month normally. I’ll allow “Casual” snacks at night routinely until I realized I’ve gained an unnecessary 10lbs. Then, just like a lot of us, I finally say “I’ve had enough. I have to change.”

What I hope people can realize is that we all have pain we ignore. Maybe for you it’s weight loss, fitness, something injury related, or maybe even mental health, but whatever it is, it shouldn’t be ignored. We need to give in to our problem and pain, and realize we need help, before the catastrophic trigger happens.

I had to recognize this in myself, to keep myself on the right direction by aiming to be more honest with myself with what I’m challenged by.

I hope maybe if you read this article, it can move you in the right direction. Don’t ignore your pain because it’s trying to tell you something. Listen to your problem, and it may be even more painful for a bit to acknowledge t but in the end, you can find out you could feel not just good but great about your life and health.

Willing to admit you have pain? Next step, are willing to ask for help?

Rhyland Qually