Main Reasons Why We Yo-Yo Diet

What comes to mind with the term Diet?

Some may say “Veggies” other may say “Chicken and rice” but most would agree the concept of restriction is implied.

It seems funny to me when someone says “I’m on a diet” or “Oh you can’t eat that because you’re on a diet.” We are ALL on diets. Whether that is more nutritious and balanced, is the question.

So the typical beginning of a Diet is after over consuming calories (calorie surplus or excessive amount). This is what leads to weight gain. ONLY way for weight gain to happen is with more than enough calories.

So this is the trigger for us to say “Alright that’s it! I’m sticking to a diet, and I’m gonna lose weight.” So thus begins the restriction mindset. This may go well for a day, maybe a week or two. Sometimes even a month. BUT if we haven’t made those calories up with the right amount of protein, good fats, and nutrient dense carbs, we will over compensate again down the road.

It’s like debt to our system. Our body knows it. And we can use a restriction plan for awhile until we break. It’s like holding on to a chin up bar as long as we can, until our grip gives out. Then you won’t want to jump on that bar for quite a while.

I still remember the day I was trying to cut weight for boxing. I was making it “fit my macros” too, and thought I got another bowl of cereal I can fit in here….Then another bowl…..and another bowl. I was watching my self crash binge and couldn’t stop.

Why? Because the moment my body tasted something as sweet and tasty as Special K Vanilla Almond, it thought “WE NEED THIS.”

Think about this. We either eat a lot because we don’t want to care (surplus) or we restrict and deprive (deficit). Rinse and repeat.

What if we broke the cycle a bit? Don’t worry about over consumption. Worry about WHAT you consume. Then determine if you need a deficit.

Most people aren’t eating high quality food, then when they do go into a deficit it’s excessively restrictive. Worst part is we put on weight easier than take it off.

Start with a simple principle—90/10

Eat as much as you want of WHOLE Foods 90% of the time. Get in your protein, get your healthy fats from some quality sources (including animal fats), and get your carbs from plants instead of processed sources.

You will get more nutrients, and feel better satiety! You know what that means? Meal satisfaction, feeling of fullness, therefore you eat less intuitively.

Then once you’ve determined all the high quality foods you like to enjoy routinely, consider where your moderate deficit should be, and progress it week to week.

This is the first step. We should not fear food, but we also need to respect what whole food is and what it can do for us.

Even if you had the right calorie range for a deficit, if it doesn’t give you the right macro (protein, fats, and carbs), and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals), you’re set up to fail because your undernourished.

Find your Quality of food and it will guide you to your Quantity.


Rhyland Qually