Fitness Bootcamp Live Workouts!
Class Schedule
Monday - Strength
Wednesday - Cardio/Conditioning
Friday - Strength
Saturday - Cardio/Conditioing
*Participants are encouraged to be partly warmed up before the class begins as the class only goes for 40 minutes.
Drop in – $10
5 Pack - $40
1 Month $65
Emailed Workouts - $40/month
Receive the daily workout routine emailed with a demonstration video.
*First class free trial!
**Due to the unknown length of the COVID-19 pandemic, once the in gym services become available, payments may be used for credit toward in-person fitness bootcamp.
TTF Bootcamp Weekly Workout Template
Monday/Friday - Resistance Training and Strength Focus
Wednesday/Saturdays - Cardio, Conditioning and Boxing
All workouts will be body weight routines
Some house hold objects may be suggested to increase some difficulty of the exercises (bed sheets, water bottles, cans of soup, backpacks etc.) however they are not necessary
Personalized Training
1 on 1 Virtual Training Session
1 Hour $45.00
1 Month 2x/week $280 ($40/session)
1 Month 3x/week $420 ($35/session)
Personalized Program Pack
1 Assessment Workout
1 Customized Program Design
1 Program Walk Through Session
Access to Exercise Library
Total $125
Follow Up Programs
1 New Program
1 Walk Through Session
Total $85