Diet Plan

Single session with Fundamental Plan - $40 (Normally $65)

Have a personal session with Rhyland, (Degree in Human Nutrition Sciences), and get the understanding of what goes into food, types of food, what goes into a good meal plan, and how to make it work for you.

Nutrition Counselling

10 Pack – Program, and 10 Counselling Sessions $300 ($30/session)

Just like with anything, the more teaching and counselling you get, the more you improve your ability to progress. Meeting weekly, to update, and discuss the progressions and challenges, can drastically improve your success. The body and mind go hand in hand, and it’s rarely as simple as following a list of food. Meeting with Rhyland routinely will help you talk through the experiences and difficulties you might have along the way. It nothing works better for nutrition that a source of accountability.