4 Main Functions of Food

We have all heard of the food plate, or the food pyramids.

The problem I see with the plates and pyramid is that the data collected is through epidemiological studies, that basically give you what they assume is the healthiest lifestyle based on recall questionnaires.

That is not the only means of determination but it’s a BIG part of the decision making, and there’s so many holes in the amount of lifestyle factors that skew that data. These are not controlled research trials.

There is also theories on how corporations or industries may benefit from how food guides are made, and the challenge for organizations to make food guides as simple as possible to follow.

I will fully admit that dieticians have a tough job, to follow VERY challenging research to back up their reasonings, and not to disrupt the food industry too much based on their recommendations.

To me, I still don’t think we’re looking at food appropriately with the most recent food guide models. I want people to see the main purpose of food, and how some foods do different things well or not so well.

Here’s are 4 main functions of food:

1)      Rebuild

-          This is protein. I truly believe that if dietitians were to encourage double the typical amount of protein we currently eat, we would see a drastic reduction in metabolic conditions. Protein has too many functions in the body to be limited to 10-15% of your calories. It is the most satiating, rebuilds your body and connective tissue, it helps neurotransmitters, enzymes, and offers many more functions. This is the biggest mistake in 80% of the diets I see.

2)      Refuel

-          Recognize that Carbs and Fats are fuel. You can use either carbs or fats, but you need to see that either can function better in different scenarios. Carbs are great for fast events, and fats are great for steady state. Not to mention fats also function in hormones, which makes them even more essential!

3)      Restore

-          Restore your immune system with vitamins and minerals. Some foods may have protein and other have energy, but we need to make sure they come with micronutrients to help our body keep healthy and recover from all the stresses we encounter. Just like proteins, fats and carbs help us metabolize energy and get used up, Vitamins and minerals, are food for the immune system and need to be restored daily.

4)      Enjoyment

-          This is the key aspect of a diet that a lot of “diet plans” miss. We could eat chicken, rice and broccoli, but if we don’t like those foods, it’s a no go. And sometimes we can eat foods purely for enjoyment, and that is okay! However, the best foods hit on the first 3 AND include the enjoyment.

So when you put together a plate of food, you need to reflect on these main purposes. Every meal should have these. EVERY MEAL. If you find yourself mainly going for energy and enjoyment (e.g. snacking), that’s when we’re most likely going to be led astray from getting good nutrients.

Remember it is completely fine to have a food purely for enjoyment but no different than how you live your life. How much of your day is dedicated to improvement or productivity vs. enjoyment? If 50% of your day was enjoyment, and nothing else, would you be super productive? Probably not.

Next time you see a meal, pinpoint how you’ve structured it and see if this helps guide your decision on what really is a functionally balanced diet.

Rhyland Qually