Process Is The Result

This has been quite a year for everyone, but this is my body composition story.

I remember doing dumbbell curls, and thinking…”I gotta do something big and different.”

That was a year ago and I decided to do a photoshoot, because I wanted to boost my new business brand. This started me on a journey into exploring a carnivore diet and completely broadening my horizon of eating.

It was such a cool experience because I enjoyed the process so much more than I had expected. It made me create a plan to bulk up over the fall and winter and cut for a show in the spring. I had never actually clean bulked before, so it was going to be interesting.

Let’s clear up the difference between dirty and clean bulk.

Dirty Bulk – I don’t care what I eat, it’s winter, shirts stay on, I lift heavy weights, and accept putting on fat because I get muscle.

Clean Bulk – Same idea but I eat clean food in excess, actually tracking it, and with a training purpose. (I was like 90% clean)

So, the interesting part was once I gained the weight, to lose it I planned a 4-5 month progressive cut.

I’ll give you a rough idea so you can get a sense of what this means.

Jan – 3200-3500 Cals

Feb – 2700-3000 Cals

March – 2300-2500

April – 2000-2300 Cals

May – 1800-2000 Cals

Now this was the “Plan.”

Covid-19 said “LMAO, No.”

The show was scheduled for May 30, then moved to July 18.

So, I had more time, so I eased up a bit, but mainly stayed the course. Now, this is where the mind games began.

I was following the protocol and steps I thought I should, but I would see other people sharing stories on IG for the competition and think, “Damn, I’m behind I’m going to embarrass myself.”

Here’s something I hope more people understand.

Trainers are super insecure too. Why do you think we made a career over getting to work out? It’s an obsession.

My initial plan was to do this slower, healthy and methodical. Then I said “LETS GO AFTER THIS.” And just back to the older cutting style of minimal calories.

That wasn’t good for my physical or mental health.

The reason I wanted so badly to do another show was because the year prior doing a photoshoot, I enjoyed the process!

This is the lesson I hope to give.

Do you enjoy your process? Would you live it? Would you eat that food after you get to your weight? Would you keep up the cardio?

In an interview with my old boxing coach, who was a 4 time National Champion boxer, shared the best piece of wisdom: “Process is the Result.”

It dawned on me so clearly when he worded it like this.

So, as I battled through a low-calorie week, I owned this idea. I said, “I may not get the leanest physique, but I will ensure I enjoy the process and maintain my relationship with food and exercise.”

Right after that, Covid-19 said “Sorry Brah, hahaha.”

And again, the competition was moved. This time all the way to October.

So I decided to use this time as a valuable process to learn from. I now have a friendly challenge with a client, holding our own body composition challenge. Now I’m still doing a cut but through intuitive eating without calorie tracking.

Let me assure you, the mind games are still rampant. I still look in the mirror think, “Dammit! I want better results,” and then other times “I’m doing good. Just give it time.” Just depends on the day and time.

However, I am owning and enjoying the process I need as a result. I must resist the urge to track calories ironically, because I want to have the skill on not requiring the app.

Also, I love the discipline this all brings. I like waking up with a walk. I love lifting. I love my meat protein. And I love learning how this process would feel after I lose the weight I desire.

I like this lifestyle a lot.

Ask yourself when you are trying to improve your body composition, “Could I live like this?”

If not, let us rethink it. Find a process that will be a manageable but healthy lifestyle for you.

Find your process, and you’ll arrive at your result.







Rhyland Qually